Standard Column Oven O-ring Kit
USD 185.69 USD 185.69 185.69 USD
30ml Solvent Bottle for iGC-SEA
USD 10.73 USD 10.73 10.73 USD
Anti-Vibration Pad 250psi (x 4)
USD 196.26 USD 196.26 196.26 USD
Column Loading Support
USD 69.47 USD 69.47 69.47 USD
Column Packing Puller / Inserter (x 2)
USD 139.32 USD 139.32 139.32 USD
FID Ignitor Glow Plug Assembly - SEA
USD 207.11 USD 207.11 207.11 USD
Flask CSB/100ml with 6mm Sidearm for DVS Vacuum
USD 179.16 USD 179.16 179.16 USD
Flask CSB/250ml with 6mm Sidearm for DVS Vacuum
USD 201.40 USD 201.40 201.4 USD
Glass Wool Silane Treated
USD 174.66 USD 174.66 174.66 USD
Hangdown Wire for DVS Vacuum/VPA (x 6)
USD 132.30 USD 132.30 132.3 USD
IGC-SEA Large Column Fittings Kit
USD 1,917.26 USD 1,917.26 1917.26 USD
O‐rings for column fittings (x 4)
USD 220.99 USD 220.99 220.99 USD
Payne Cell Holder (Large)
USD 13.61 USD 13.61 13.61 USD
Payne Cell Holder (Small)
USD 13.61 USD 13.61 13.61 USD