Responsible Daniel Villalobos
Last Update 04/12/2023
Completion Time 1 day 3 hours 9 minutes
Members 218

Introducing DVS Carbon: The Missing Link in CO2 Capture, Utilization, & Storage

With the release of the DVS Carbon, researchers now have a powerful, purpose-built tool for characterizing materials for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) applications. With unique measurement and engineering capabilities, we are excited to demonstrate what this new instrument can do! In this webinar, Product Manager Dr. Paul Iacomi takes the audience through the unique features of this innovative instrument, having a closer look at the DVS Carbon’s capabilities in action. Case studies on the instrument’s applications, including Direct Air Capture and Post-combustion Capture, show how to utilize the DVS Carbon in your own research.

Porous materials characterisation
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Introducing DVS Carbon: The Missing Link in CO2 Capture, Utilization, & Storage

With the release of the DVS Carbon, researchers now have a powerful, purpose-built tool for characterizing materials for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) applications. With unique measurement and engineering capabilities, we are excited to demonstrate what this new instrument can do! In this webinar, Product Manager Dr. Paul Iacomi takes the audience through the unique features of this innovative instrument, having a closer look at the DVS Carbon’s capabilities in action. Case studies on the instrument’s applications, including Direct Air Capture and Post-combustion Capture, show how to utilize the DVS Carbon in your own research.

Seminario web: Métodos experimentales para la captura de CO2 en presencia de vapor de agua

Spanish Seminario : Métodos experimentales para la captura de CO2 en presencia de vapor de agua