Online Workshop: Application of sorption science in food research

Accurate and detailed insight into sorption properties and surface energy is essential to sector of consumer product research; but nowhere is this more important than in the food sector. This free-to-attend online workshop explores two innovative techniques, Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS) and Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC), and how they can provide unparalleled insight in the study of food.


DVS and its applications in Food
The moisture sorption properties of food materials are fundamental considerations for development and enhancement of food products, since they may influence the stability and performance during processing, storage and product use. Dynamic Vapour Sorption (DVS) has long been used for investigating the interaction of water vapour with foods and food ingredients. The combination of a video microscope and vibrational spectroscopic techniques with DVS would allow for increased understanding of vapor-induced structural changes of solid materials. This workshop summarises several examples of using DVS for food-related applications including water activity, moisture content, moisture-induced phase transitions, water-vapour transmission rates, and flavour loss.

iGC and its applications in Food
The increasing sophistication of food ingredients has created the need for new techniques to measure the physico-chemical properties of a wide range of food materials. IGC – SEA is specially designed to determine the surface energy heterogeneity but nevertheless suitable for measuring different surface and bulk properties of solid materials including powder surface energies, acid/base/polar functionality of surfaces, diffusion kinetics, surface heterogeneity and phase transition temperatures/humidities.

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