Webinar: The Importance of Moisture in Pharmaceuticals and Food Materials by Surface Energy

The Importance of Moisture in Pharmaceutical and Food Materials by Surface Area and Activation Energy of Diffusion Studies

Sorption techniques have been used to study the state of water molecules and their role in physicochemical stability of pharmaceutical and food materials. The sorption data has been used to measure the surface area and activation energy of diffusion for as received and modified pharmaceutical ingredients. Change in the temperature significantly influences the amount of the sorbed and desorbed water. The overall conclusion could be translated in the drying phase of the final pharmaceutical formulation.

Presenter: Dr. Sabiyah Ahmed, Application Scientist for DVS and iGC-SEA
Website: https://www.surfacemeasurementsystems.com/learning-center/webinars/
Email: science@surfacemeasurementsystems.com

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